Examples Using URL Capture Bar!

The URL Capture Bar is a quick and easy way to add a file reference to your fusker collection if you know or have access to the file's URL. In our example we will utilize the Copy Image URL extension to the IE Context Menu to quickly grab the desired URL information. This handy extension was installed along with the Image Surfer Pro application and is tailor made for this application.

Starting Off
Result of seaching on images for Kate Beckinsale with image we chose highlighted
We had recently re-watched the Underworld Series when we were creating this example, so it is no great surprise that when we needed to capture some images we did a Google search on Kate Beckinsale...

Note in the top left hand corner of our screen capture we have both the URL Capture Bar and Auto Range Override enabled. The Auto Range Override currently has auto ranging disabled because the value is empty.

The image we chose to work with is highlighted in the screen capture.
Copying The Image URL
Chosing the Copy Image URL option on the IE context menu
Paste To URL Capture Bar
Pasting the URL in the edit box on the URL Capture Bar
URL Captured In Fusker Collection
Entries in Fusker Collection view and big image on screen
Zoom view of 20%
View of fusker colletion zoomed to 20%
Resulting Segment
Fusker Collection segment referencing files kate-beckinsale15.jpg through kate-beckinsale39.jpg
Unfortunately, Google doesn't build their fusker pages such that there is a link to the actual image in their thumbnails. However, at that point we can directly click on the Google highlighted image to copy the URL information.

Once the image URL is pasted to the URL Capture Bar we changed the Auto Range Override value to 25
and clicked the + button on URL Capture Bar button. The 25 file fusk branch is created in the fusker collection. We got very lucky and there were 23 valid files in the fusk! Can you find all 48 images?