Removing Missing Images From Fusker Collections

The following example goes through the exercise of first building a fusker collection with missing file blocks at the beginning of the fusker collection, in the middle of the fusker collection, and at the end of the fusker collection. Then works through the use of Image Surfer Pro Forms to remove those blocks.

Getting Started
Image Surfer Pro configuration dialog with selected inputs enabled
Now we will work through a slightly more involved example as we attempt to get a clean fusker collection of Kate Beckinsale pictures from The page is relatively "noisy" and full of images, it is slow to load and often quite frustrating to use... However, there are some great photos there so we will use Image Surfer Pro to make the experience better!

Our configuration will have the following important settings:
  • Auto range when adding to the Collection
  • Auto combine individual files into fusked files
  • Auto select URL links to images in forms
We will use the Auto Range Override toolbar extension to override the auto ranging configurations above as needed.
Starting Page
Original webpage: Specific Kate Beckinsale image page at FanPop
Exploding the Page
Result of creating an Image Surfer Pro Form fromthe original webpage
After Image Surfer Pro generate form from official Josie Maran images page
It doesn't take long to get tired of the way the FanPop pages navigate - so we immediately decide to see what image information is available on the landing page where we started. Using the ISP Forms button from Image Surfer Pro Toolbar button on the Image Surfer Pro toolbar we quickly see the central image from the previous page and note it was a direct link to an image file. The "Sterile Link" associated with the image has automatically been selected. Scrolling up and down we see there are no large images we wish to add to the collection or any other links which were automatically selected for us.

To add the presumably larger version of the original central image we simply process the Image Surfer Pro form using the Page processing buttion from Image Surfer Pro Toolbar button. The result looks great as we have a single large image of Kate. The collection tree shows a single path with a single image segment.

Finding More Images Step 1
We hope there are more images similar to this one along the same path to FanPop, but looking at the file name we see what appears to be the image resolution at the end of the file name "1024-768" rather than a file number... But just before that, there is a number which might be a file id "78845". So we decide to split the filename and isolate the two sets of numbers.
Modify the File Segment Split the File Segment
Close up of fusker collection tree with file segment selected and tree menu up with Modify selected Close up Segment Editor showing how the image resolution is moved to the post text portion of the segment Close up of fusker collection tree with file segment selected and tree menu up with Split selected Close up of fusker collection tree after the file segment is split
Finding More Images Step 2
With the file number and image resolution separated we can use Auto Range to search for several files of the same actress with the same resolution quickly!
Auto Ranging The Split Directory Close up of fusker tree with Split Directory selected and Auto Range highlighted on tree menu Result of Auto Range Resulting webpage from auto ranging the split directory Zoom Out on Auto Range Result Internet Explorer showing the Auto Range result page at 25% zoom
The file name threw us a bit of a twist giving both a file number and the image resolution, but Image Surfer Pro made it relatively easy to find a whole set of images of Kate which could be used as wallpapers. There may be more images to find in this same path, but the current sample is exactly what we were looking for as a teaching example.

A Final Consideration
Internet Explorer showing the Auto Range result page at 25% zoom Description
The goal of our final step is to remove the references to the missing files from the fusker collection. By scrolling up and down the webpage generated from the Auto Range of the Split Directory we see 2 missing image blocks. Removing these missing file references in the middle of the fusker collection could be done several ways, but using Image Surfer Pro Forms makes it easy.

We will use the same configuration as before - but use the "Add All" selection boxes at the top of the ISP Form to override the settings.
The process we will use to remove the missing images has 4 steps:
  • Display all of the images on a single page
  • Delete the existing tree branch
  • Generate an Image Surfer Pro Form from the display of all the images
  • Use selection boxes to choose only the images we wish to collect
  • Process the Image Surfer Pro Form
Technically the first step was already done when we chose to Auto Range the split directory segment. The zoomed result is shown again to the left.
Delete The Split Directory
Close up of fusker tree with Split Directory selected and Delete highlighted on the tree menu
Generate Image Surfer Pro Form Image Surfer Pro form generated from the previous webpage still at 25% zoom Uncheck Missing Files
Close up of unchecked form selection box with view now at 0% zoom
Deleting the split directory and the child file segment removes all of the references to the current set of images but leaves the general structure and placement of the tree branch in the fusker collection. This way, when the images are re-added, they won't simply merge into the existing segment. Once the form is created with the ISP Forms button from Image Surfer Pro Toolbar button we notice that since each image was a direct link to itself and we had {Auto select URL links to images in forms} enabled, that all of the links in the Links column have been automatically selected for us. We will unselect the "Add all direct image references to collection" box at the top of the column to unselect all of these links. Then use "Add all images to collection" box at the top of the Content column to select all of the images. We used the "Add all images to collection" box to select all of the images because there are more existing images than missing images. We now simply scroll down the page unchecking the "Add To Collection" boxes for each missing image.
Image Surfer Pro form generated from the previous webpage still at 25% zoom The final Kate Beckinsale fusker collection is now clean with no missing file references and a full page of great images. The final file reference is a single file segment (no Split Directory) which has been optimized to have a list fusk.