Installed with Image Surfer Pro is a generic Flash Video Player. The player is installed in the same directory as the Image Surfer Pro DLL. The file ISP_FLVPlayer.swf is a Shockwave Flash file which provides an embedded interface which can be used by Internet Explorer to play Flash Video (.flv) files.
Flash Video Segments in your fusker collection are references to Flash Video files. To display the video content on gallery pages, Image Surfer Pro uses an HTML <object> tag which references the installed flash video player. Without this video player, flash video references will not work with Image Surfer Pro.
The Image Surfer Pro Flash Player is not a windows application and can not be used except as an embedded player on webpages. You can not run this video player in the same way you could run Windows Media Player to access flash video files stored locally on your computer. If you wish to find a flash video player which can run as an application on your computer we suggest the free media center like application Kodi.
The flash player consists of a control frame and a video display area. When you mouse over the player window, the control frame will be visible, but will hide after a few seconds if the mouse cursor is not moved or moves off the video display window. This is very similar to the MP4 video player embedded in Internet Explorer.
When embedded on a gallery page, the flash player makes use of both the Poster Image URL and the Flash Video URL. The poster image will be used as an overlay for the player window when the page is first loaded and when video playback is stopped.
There is no internal link between Internet Explorer and the Image Surfer Pro flash video player. This means the player can not dynamically size itself based on the changing size of the browser window and the size of the window must be set by Internet Explorer rather than directly from the video content size. For this reason each Flash Video Segment has sizing information fields associated with it directly.
The flash video player controls should be intuitive to anyone familiar with watching videos, but we will highlight their functionality here as a reference.
The UP Arrow will access the play list for that specific instance of the player. As currently used by Image Surfer Pro, the play list will always consist of a single flash video file reference. You may toggle the viewing of the play list to show the fully qualified URL being used to stream the video.
If video playback has either not started or has been stopped or paused, the Play button will be clearly visible as the second button in the controls. Once video playback is going, the same button will change to the familiar double vertical bars of a Pause button. Clicking play will cause video playback to resume from the current time mark. Clicking pause will stop the video playback but maintain the current time mark for playback. During Pause the video frame at the current time mark will continue to be displayed.
The large square block is the Stop button. If video playback has not been started or has already been stopped, the button will appear as a dark grey square rather than a white square. During video playback, the Stop button will halt the video playback, return the time mark back to zero, and re-display the poster image (if one was provided).
The ramp displayed to the right of the Stop button is the Audio Volume Control. The amount of the ramp which displays as white indicates the relative audio volume level compared to the full ramp, the remainder of which will be a dark grey color. To change the audio volume of the playback Click and Drag left or right within the Volume Control. Dragging to the right will increase the volume while dragging to the left will decrease the volume.
The Slanted Arrow in a Box allows you to toggle Full Screen display of the video. When video playback is full screen, the Image Surfer Pro tool bar will still be present to the left of the video. This is similar to toggling the IE Browser display to be full screen. The video will be stretched to fit the new display window size but will maintain the video aspect ratio. You may also exit Full Screen mode by pressing ESC on your keyboard.
The Clock Display shows the current time mark of the video playback but is not interactive and you can not use it to change what portion of the video is being played.
You can use the Time Mark Slider to change which portion of the video is being played. Simply click and drag the slider. Dragging the slider to the right will skip forward in the playback and dragging left will rewind the playback to a previous time mark. The time mark display will change as the slider is moved, however the video display will not change to the new time mark until you have released the slider.
This embedded flash vidoe player does not utilize any Image Surfer Pro user configurations.
Flash Video Display:
This embedded flash video player is used by both the free and registered editions of Image Surfer Pro to display
flash video content on gallery pages. However, flash video displayed by the free version of Image Surfer Pro are
size limited to 720x480 pixels and are displayed with an Image Surfer Pro overlay.
There currently are no walkthrough examples dealing specifically with flash videos.