When an ISP Form is created, the various types of media files are broken out of the context of the original page and placed into individual tables where you can see both the content and the hyper links of the original page, but the textual context of the original page is for the most part discarded.
Add Item selection boxes are all over the form and you may be asking yourself was this really easier than simply using the button to grab everything that was on the original page?
The answer to that question depends on what exactly was on the original page and how much of that content you wanted to collect. If you wanted to collect all of the media files off the original page then using the button was probably the best approach. But there are somethings, like page links, which will not be collected by the button and many pages are filled with ads, buttons, and other content that may be of little interest to you. The trade off really comes down to how well you know the source of the content on the original page and how much of that content is something you want in your fusker collection.
The Add Item boxes allow you talor what you collect to the exact content you want in your fusker collection. Each of these boxes is placed in the ISP Form in a way that should make it clear what you are selecting but let us cover the difference between the boxes seen in different parts of the ISP Form.
The header of this column in these tables will also include an Add All check box which can be used to toggle all of the individual item boxes within the table.
You will notice the wording for each of the individual Add Link boxes will differ based on the type of file referenced by the link. Links to files with a known image extension will have an Add Image check box, links to files with an MP4 extension will have an Add Video check box. All other links will have an Add Page check box.
The header of this column for these two tables has a set of five Add All check boxes along with a drop down box. The first Add All check box allows you to select all direct video references within the table. This will toggle the selection boxes for any link in the table which directly references an MP4 file. If there are multiple forms of the link on a specific row which all reference an MP4 file, the most likely form of the link will be chosen. Most likely is based on a preference for the type of link used:
The second Add All check box provides the same functionality for direct image links as the first box did for video links.
The next three header check boxes all deal with Page Links (i.e. any link that was neither an Image nor a Video). Here you may be specific in which version of the links you wish to select: Sterile, Clean, Original. You may select more than one version of link to add.
When the ISP Form is processed by the button all selected links to known video files will be added to the fusker collection as videos and all selected links to known image files will be added to the fusker collection as images. Selected page links however, will be added to the fusker collection based on the type of link selected table's header drop down box. This is done because often you will know that the links actually resolve as either a video or an image.
The drop down box in the header allows you to specify the selected links be added as a Page, Image, or Video, but also provides the option of Unknown. During the processing of the form you will be prompted for the type of each individual link added where the type of link is unknown. This provides a great deal of flexibility, but can also be tiresome if there are a lot of links being added this way.
If you wish to read further about how an ISP Form is processed by the button, please refer to the Process Webpage Button or how a Directed Search is performed.
Forms Tab
The configurations on the Forms tab of the User Preferences window allow you to configure what check boxes
are selected by default when and ISP Form is generated by the
button. These configurations can be easily overridden by the use of the check boxes on the form.
Choosing Links To Search
These two configurations correspond to the two "Search All" check boxes on the ISP Form at the top of the right hand
column of the Images Table and Text Table. You can choose to automatically check one or both by default
when ISP forms are generated.
Media File Count The table generated by the Free version of Image Surfer Pro will only access the first 20 images and 2 videos/frames found in the original webpage.
Image Surfer Pro Forms
The table generated by the Free version of Image Surer Pro contains only the first 20 images and up to 2 videos/frames
along with the associated links from the website and no selection check boxes. The free verison provides safer and more
private surfing as well as a way to continue browsing in the same window and obtain direct image links, but does not
provide advanced processing by the
The ISP Forms button and the Image Surfer Pro forms it creates can be used for many differnet purposes. The following examples will walk you through examples from the very basic to the more advanced. |