The Modify option is available to the Fusker Collection and any directory or file segment. At the Fusker Collection level it allows you to change the name of the fusker collection (See Managing Fusker Collections).
For a directory or file segment it pops up the Segment Editor form where you can – edit each of the components of a segment.
Use the Segment Editor dialog to modify the Pre-Text, Fusk, and/or Post-Text of a directory or file segment in the Fusker Collection tree.
Edit the text in the Pre and Post Text fields as you would any normal text field. Ctrl-C and
Ctrl-V can be used to cut and paste text in these fields.
If the segment does not already have a fusk, the second button will say “Add” rather than “…”.
You can not directly edit the text in the Fusk display, instead use
to edit an existing fusk. This will bring up the appropriate fusk editor based on the type of
fusk present in the segment. If you are adding a fusk definition you will have the choice of
a Numeric sequence or a List of Strings from a drop down menu:
The number of digits specifies how many characters the number will be displayed in, while
the start and end values represent the range of numbers to use.
For example, the settings in this dial use the numbers 0 through 24, and attempt to place them
in a single character.
This generates numbers like
1, 2, … 10, 11, … 23, 24.
If the # of Digits field were 3 the numbers would appear as
001, 002, … 010, 011, … 023, 024
The gray text shows you how the numbers will appear in the image reference. The < > brackets will not be present.
You can directly edit the text in each of the three fields or use the spinners to set the values. Selecting OK applies the changes to the segment.
You may type any string into the top edit box and use the "Add" button to add the string to the list. When visualizing the fusker collection, the fusk will start from the top of the list and work to the bottom. In our example the lores image would display first then the midres and finally the hires.
You may use the arrow buttons at the side of the editor to move the selected entry in the list up or down in the list to change the order the images are displayed. The arrows with a bar will move the selected entry to the top or bottom of the list. To sort the list alphabetically you can use the A or Z button. A will sort from A to Z and the Z button will sort the list from Z to A.
You may also delete the selected entry with the "Del" key at the bottom left side of the dialog. To edit an entry, select it first. This will populate the text box with the string. Then delete the entry, fix the string by editing the text box and then use the Add button to put it back in the list.
String List Fusks are displayed with curly brackets and the first and last entry in the list. Our example list would be displayed as {lores ... hires} in both the fusker collection tree and the segment editor.