The tree is a graphical representation of your fusker collection. The icons shown in the Image Surfer Pro tree represent the various portions of the image references stored in the fusker collection. You interact with your fusker collection by selecting a segment of the fusker collection tree and using the tree menu or toolbar buttons to perform actions on that segment.
The various icons on the Image Surfer Pro tree have specific meanings.
The top level icon on the tree represents the fusker collection. The fusker collection holds a set of image
references. It is up to you to determine the number of references and how to group
references into a fusker collection.
Below the fusker collection, the next layer of the tree represents where the image reference is in relation to the local host computer when the image reference was added to the fusker collection. There are three different icons used to represent the relative location known as the URL Type:
The hard drive icon represents files which are located on the local computer. If you have
mapped network hard drives, files on these drives will also be represented by this icon.
The network drive icon represents files which are stored on the local network. These files
were stored in the fusker collection when they were accessed through the network file system
rather than through a web server.
Files represented by the globe are referenced through their full Universal Resource Locater
(URL). These files are accessed through some type of server protocol – typically HTTP.
It is possible to have a fusker collection which contains all three types of files. Because the fusker collection stores a reference to the file and not the actual image itself, it is important to understand that you may not be able to visualize the images in a fusker collection unless you have an internet connection or a connection to the local area network where the actual image data is stored.
Below the connection type Directories and Files fill out the fusker collection.
The standard directory file holds a single segment of the file reference. However, this
seemingly simple container has been extended within the Image Surfer Pro application to
allow for the reference to multiple similarly named directories at once.
The fusked directory helps you reference files such as …/Images01/01.jpg and …/Images02/01.jpg easily. The
Red + sign designates the directory as a fusked directory holding a reference to multiple similarly named
directories at the same time.
In some cases, files may be stored in directories such as …/200906/01.jpg In these cases it is
desirable to range the 2009 separately from the 06. Split directories allow you to treat
different parts of the same directory individually.
Split directories can also be ranged, and if they are ranged, will display the Red + sign in the same way a directory would.
Files are the final segment in the name of the image reference. Image references are almost always ranged and display the Red + sign.
Like directories, files may be split – however, a split file segment is displayed as a split
directory above the file.