The Auto Range option in the Image Surfer Pro Tree Menu attempts to reference similarly named directories or files on the image hosting server.
you can configure
to auto range when a new image reference is added to the fusker collection – however, this will only auto range the image file name (the
final segment in the image reference).
The Auto Range menu option can be used on any directory or file name segment in the tree. This option will look at the Pre-Text portion of the segment (see Image Surfer Pro Tree: What is a Segment?). it will look for the last group of numeric characters in the Pre-Text and replace them with a suitable Fusk.
It will determine the number of characters to use for the Fusk based on the number of digits in the string of numbers it finds in the Pre-Text.
It will use the Size of Range setting in
to determine the start and end number of the range.
For example, if Size of Range is set to 25, and we auto range the selected segment in the following tree:
Where the segment consists of:
    Pre-Text   =
    Fusk     = empty
    Post-Test  = empty
The application will find the “0” character in the pretext and attempt to reference 25 similarly named directories by replacing the “0” with a Fusk of one digit starting at 0 and ending at 24.
The resulting segment will have values and be displayed in the tree as:
    Pre-Text   = img0
    Fusk     = 1 digit (0 – 24)
    Post-Test  =
NOTE: the Fusk is displayed as <0 – 24> and the Directory segment now has a Red + to show it is fusked.