Image Surfer Pro Fusker Collection View

File Button ISP Form Button Process Page Button View Button Tools Button Info Button Auto Range Override Direct URL Entry File Button ISP Form Button Process Page Button View Button Tools Button Info Button File Button ISP Form Button Process Page Button View Button Tools Button Info Button Auto Range Override Visualize Auto Range Modify Optimize Organize Split Merge Insert & Delete Insert & Delete
Screen capture of numeric editor

Fusker Collection View Modify:
Numeric Fusk Iterations

The Numeric fusk editor is used to modify the components of a numeric fusk when you either Add "Numbers" to the fusk from the Segment Editor or use the ... button on the Segment Editor to edit an existing numeric fusk.

A numeric fusk has three components: The number of digits used to hold the numbers, the start of the numeric range, and the end of the numeric range. Spin dials next to each component allow for easy minor adjustments without having to use the keyboard.

# of Digits

The number of digits specifies how many characters the number will be placed in within the segment text. If the number of characters is less than or equal to the number of digits in the number, the number will be displayed in the number of digits required by the value. If the number of characters is greater than the number of digits in the value leading zeros will be used to fill out the right number of characters.

For example the value 15 would be represented as:

# of Digits How a value of 15 is represented
1 15
2 15
3 015

This value is typically set to the number of numeric digits found grouped together in the original image added to the fusker collection and would only need to be modified in situations where you added image 100 and images prior to that image in the sequence used fewer characters.

Start Value

This value is exactly what it sounds like, the first number used in the numeric fusk. When file references are auto ranged as they are added to a fusker collection, the start value is determined based on the user configuration and the number found in the original file name. It would only need to be modified if you feel there may be more earlier numbered images in the sequence.

End Value

This value is exactly what it sounds like, the last number used in the numeric fusk. When file references are auto ranged as they are added to a fusker collection, the end value is determined based on the start value and the {Size of Range} user configuration. It would only need to be modified if you feel there may be more images in the sequence with larger numeric values.

Making Your Changes Stick

You can Cancel any changes you've made through the editor at any time. To have them take effect in the segment you are editing, use the OK button.

Related User Preferences:

The numeric fusk editor does not utilize any user preferences.

Differences in Free and Full Versions

There are no differences in how the numeric fsuk editor works between the Free and Full versions of Image Surfer Pro.

Screen Capture Examples

Sample screen capture after using Auto Range

Split & Auto Range & Modify
A brief example using the Female Action Stars fusker collection which demonstrates creating multiple fusks within the same file reference segment. The example uses the Modify option to change the data within file and split directory segments as well as create a list fusk and limit a numeric fusk.

In addition, the Segment Editor and fusk editors are also demonstrated in the following examples: