This button is the primary way in which new images are added to your fusker collection.
It is used to process either direct image references or forms generated by the
When clicked the
button will check the current browser file to see if it is a known image type or
an Image Surfer Pro generated form. If the file does not appear to be one of these
you will be asked if you want to add the file to your fusker collection anyway. This
option gives you the final say as to what is added to your fusker collection, but it is
not recommended that you add files Image Surfer Pro does not recognize to your
fusker collection unless you are confident you know the file is an image which your
browser will recognize.
If the page you were viewing appeared to be a single image and you get the warning
that the file does not appear to be an image - it is likely you are viewing a
webpage which contains the single image. You can use the
button to explode the current webpage and access the image you wish to add to the
fusker collection.
After adding images or processing a fusker collection form, a visualization of the last image segment added will be displayed in the browser window.
Depending upon the Auto Range configuration options you have selected
when zapping an image into the fusker collection, Image Surfer Pro will attempt to also
locate images similar in reference to the zapped image. For example if you zap an
image such as .../images/01.jpg you can configure Image Surfer Pro to also look
for images such as …/images/00.jpg …/images02.jpg etc.
When images are added to the fusker collection through the processing of Image Surfer Pro forms, Auto Ranging is not performed. However the configuration option to auto build lists is applied such that adding several images from the same location will generate a single image file segment which is a fusked list. Using this option is ideal when then image files referenced are not numerically ranged and/or not adjacent. However it also does not "search" for other possible images as it works directly with the information from the original webpage.
When adding an Auto Ranged set of images to your fusker collection, you may reference files on the web which are not present. It is also possible that access to the images has been protected such that direct access is not granted, the images are only visible if directly referenced on a webpage controlled by the owners of the image. In these cases you will see the following icon on the web page.
This is simply an indication that the file either didn’t exist, was not an
image file recognizable by your browser, or was protected against direct external access.
This is another case where Image Surfer Pro makes surfing for images
safer – had you tried to directly reference this file outside of the Image
Surfer Pro application, you could have been directed to a harmful URL, even one
that could Have exposed your system to identity theft.
To eliminate future references to the nonexistent files, the simpilest method for Registered
Image Surfer Pro users is to use the
button to generate a set of Image Surfer Pro forms and then check the "Add Image"
selection boxes for each of the existing images you wish to keep in your fusker collection. Free
version users may still use the same BAM! button to maunally generate direct image references
and then use the Bolt button with out Auto Ranging turned on to add individual images to
the fusker collection. Alternatively, Registered users may modify the file segment created to
reference only those images which do exist (See
Editing The Fusker Collection Tree).
to change Image Surfer Pro’s configuration and the way Auto Ranging functions when
adding image references to the fusker collection.
WARNING! Clicking on a dead image reference may take you to a
harmful website – these “missing” files are often embedded in Adult sites to
install spyware on your system. Do not click on a dead image link unless you
are sure where the link leads and trust the content provider.