The settings button allows you to customize the configuration of Image Surfer Pro to your surfing style, the capabilities of your computer and Internet connection, as well as the type of image content you are surfing for. Your configuration is persisted through the Windows registry and will be immediately be applied to each Image Surfer Pro window and be active the next time you surf for images.
The Configuration window allows you to configure three primary operational areas.
You can choose to have Image Surfer Pro build references to similarly named images when you use
to add images to your fusker collection by selecting Auto range when adding to the collection. This option is
useful when the type of images you are surfing have a common file name structure. This is often the case
if the images were stored directly from a camera or other imaging device. It is also common on sites
where images are presented as a set of related thumbnails. However this is not always the case. When
images are part of a large database of images or are unique and not part of a series, there often won’t
be similarly named images at the same location.
Because Image Surfer Pro will attempt to access each of the files as an image, it is safe to use this configuration to search and see if related images exist. However, if you are building a fusker collection of unique images, and do not want to “dead” references, turning this option off can save time having to modify entries in the Fusker Collection to eliminate dead links.
There are several settings which affect “Auto Ranging”. You can determine the number of images which will be searched for when auto ranging as well as configuring how the ranging is done. The following configuration are use both when adding images to your fusker collection with Auto Ranging turned on and when you choose Auto Range from the fusker collection tree menu.
Only one of the two options "Always start with image number" and "Search above and below the added image" may be selected at any given time. However, you may choose to NOT select either option. In this case, the Auto Range will start with the image you added and include Range Size images.
Registered users may use the
button to generate a fusker collection form where the extracted images and URLs have checkboxes which allow you to choose
what information will be added to the fusker collection when the
button is used to process the form. There are two configurations which affect how these forms are generated.
When you open or save a fusker collection file, by default the file browsing dialog will start in the “Default Collection Directory”. Though you can browse to any location reachable by the standard file system, this setting gives you a consistent starting location.
When using
to grab and save the image files currently displayed in the Internet Explorer window,
you will be prompted to pick a location to save the image files. You can only select a directory below the
“Default Image Directory” setting and the browsing will begin at this directory.
To change the default directories you can either type the directory path in the text box or use
buttons to browse to the directory you wish to use as the default setting.
You can use the “Prompt to save on New or Open” setting to control if you are asked to save the current fusker collection when you attempt to open a fusker collection or create a new fusker collection. In previous versions of Image Surfer Pro and Internet Explorer, Image Surfer Pro was also able to prompt you to save if you closed the Internet Explorer window; However, IE9 does not allow the prompt dialog to be created and attempting to create the window can cause issues with IE9 - so the prompt is no longer created when an Internet Explorer window is closed.
You can configure Image Surfer Pro to display a Visualization webpage when you open a fusker collection. If this option is selected, the visualization generated will be that configured for the Fusker Collection segment (see below). If you are accessing Fusker Collections which reference images which require user autherization (such as subscription membership images), it is recommended you leave this selection inactive. If you open a fusker collection Member Fusker Collection without first logging into the publisher's website, the unauthorized access to their images may lock your IP Address or Membership out for a temporary period of time.
Through the Visualization Configuration you can configure the type of image pages displayed by
The top two nodes on the Fusker Collection Tree are the Fusker Collection and URL Type and the type of image pages
displayed for these nodes is configured by the first option. The top directory for any branch of the tree
is the “Root Directory” and its view is determined by the second option. The view for other directories
and files are determined by the last two options.
For Directories and Files (including the Root Directory) you have the option of setting the visualization to “Webpage”. This option will navigate the Internet Explorer window to the website which is the Root Directory of that branch of the Fusker Collection Tree. For example:
Selecting the Root Directory (in this case: and visualizing the
web page will navigate the Internet Explorer window to
This can be useful to go to the site where the images below it were stored. Note however that it is common for images to be stored on “hosted” websites which have no true top level webpage to display.
Please refer to Visualizing Your Fusker Collection.
The other options under Visualization Configuration allow you to determine how many images to display by default on the various image visualization pages. You can customize these settings to match the number of images in individual series within the fusker collection or based on your computer’s system memory or your internet connection speed. Care should be taken to adjust these settings based on the size of the images you will be displaying as well.
Warning – setting these values too large may cause your system to run out of memory or prevent it from being able to display all of the images requested on a single page.