Image Surfer Pro Fusker Collection View

File Button ISP Form Button Process Page Button View Button Tools Button Info Button Auto Range Override Direct URL Entry File Button ISP Form Button Process Page Button View Button Tools Button Info Button File Button ISP Form Button Process Page Button View Button Tools Button Info Button Auto Range Override Visualize Auto Range Modify Optimize Organize Split Merge Insert & Delete Insert & Delete
List editor dialog window

Fusker Collection View Modify:
List Fusk Iterations

The editor for a list fusk looks very similar to that used to organize the list of child segments. The editor provides a means of adding and removing list entries as well as changing the order of the entries in the list.

List fusks are often used when the files being referenced should be logically grouped together, but are not simply a numerical sequence. One of the more common trends in storing images for use on a website is to give each image a globaly unique identifier which can be stored in a database and referenced anywhere to identify that specific image. The only efficient way to fusk this type of image name is with a list - typically generated through thumbnail post processing.

The entries in the list box show the text from each entry in the fusk for the segment you are editing.

Adding New Entries

Detail of the controls on the list editor dialog for adding entries

You can add a new entry by typing the text you wish the text bar at the top of the editor dialog and then clicking the "Add" button at the top right corner of the dialog. The new entry will be added in the list "Before" the current selection (or at the bottom if no entry is selected).

Deleting Entries

To delete an entry from the list, simply select it in the list by left clicking on it, then click the delete button.

Alternatively you may use the "Delete" or "Backspace" keys after selecting the entry in the list you wish to delete. Using "Backspace" will move the selection to the previous entry in the list while using "Delete" will move the selection to the next entry in the list. The delete button on the window works like "Backspace".

Shifting List Order

Detail of the controls on the organizer dialog for sorting segments

You can change the order of the entries in the list with the controls to the right of the list on the dialog. The center arrow buttons will move the selected entry up or down by one in the list. The heavier arrow buttons move the selected entry to either the top or bottom of the of the list.

The A and Z buttons will sort the entire list alphabetically. The A button will order the list from A at the top to Z at the bottom. The Z button will organize the list from Z at the top to A at the bottom. Numbers and symbols are organized as you would expect with numbers coming before A and by rank order (i.e. 2 comes before 10).

In visualizations, the files at the top of the list will appear before files at the bottom of the list.

When the list contains the entries you want in the order you want them in, click the OK button. The dialog window will close and you will see the fusker collection tree change to match the the list. If you decide you don't want to make the changes, you can click cancel to undo any changes you made since opening the editor (including additions, deletions, and order changes).

Related User Preferences:

The list fusk editor does not utilize any user preferences.

Differences in Free and Full Versions

The list editor is not available in the Free versions of Image Surfer Pro.

Screen Capture Examples

Sample screen capture after using Auto Range

Split & Auto Range & Modify
A brief example using the Female Action Stars fusker collection which demonstrates creating multiple fusks within the same file reference segment. The example uses the Modify option to change the data within file and split directory segments as well as create a list fusk and limit a numeric fusk.

In addition, the Segment Editor and fusk editors are also demonstrated in the following examples: